Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tap Dancing

As I predicted, the tap class I am taking is frustrating the hell out of me (pardon my language)! Argggggghhh! I can sing. I can act. But, alas, dancing is not my forté, and my feet cannot seem to coordinate the weight shifts necessary to tap dance successfully.

On one hand, I'm glad to be taking tap because I think it's a skill a musical theatre performer ought to know. On the other hand...I have to take a whole semester of this?! Arggggghhh! I think I wanna kill myself.

Just kidding about the "killing myself" part. Just an attempt at humor. In all seriousness, tap is not as bad as I make it sound (but, really, it is).

The end.


  1. Tap is tough, but once you get it, you'll love it. Trust me.

  2. Ah, Foxx, my friend,

    You make the fallacious assumption that I will eventually "get it."


  3. *chuckle* Call it faith. ;)

  4. Many in my family are tappers. A couple nieces have taught at the U, one traveled with Stomp, but my mom, in her seventies, can out tap the lot of them. You want me to ask her for some pointers? :-)

  5. There is not enough tap today. A weekend of watching Gene Kelly movies is in order methinks...Xanadu and Singing in the Rain jump to mind. (Although there's really only the one scene in Xanadu...)

  6. I love Xanadu. Such a bad movie!

  7. Miki got it for me for Christmas our first Christmas. I got her up early because I couldn't wait for her to open her presents, she obliged, and then went back to bed while I watched Xanadu like 3 or 4 times....
