In case you can't see it clearly, it's Jesus on a crucifix, and it says, "I asked Jesus 'How much do You love me?' 'This much,' He answered. Then He stretched out his arms and died."
While I understand (and can even appreciate) the sentiment, there was something about it that just seems weird and tacky to me. Maybe it's just me (although Jonah thought it was weird, too).
It kind of reminds me of this time I went to the Festival of Trees during the holidays. One of the trees had a black and white sketch of a family with Jesus. That doesn't sound too bad, does it? What made it tacky to me was that whoever had drawn the picture had most likely taken a formal studio portrait family photo and sketched it and then drew Jesus in the background, so it made it look like Jesus and this family had had their picture taken together at Sears or something.
Again, while I can appreciate the sentiment of a family having Jesus so closely in their lives that He is always present with them, even when they're getting a family photo taken at the JC Penney Portrait Studio, something about the picture just made it come off really tacky.
So what do you guys think?
Tacky. 100%.
I am generally respectful of others beliefs - but I have to agree, that is pretty weird - and tacky.
Reminds me of a woman I once met who taught her children that, on Easter, Jesus brought them eggs and candy - because she didn't think the Easter Bunny was religious enough.
It's beyond tacky, gauche or tasteless. It's boring.
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